Spinifex Pigeon
Geophaps plumifera

Spinifex Pigeons are found in a patchy distribution across the dry north of Australia and are nomdic, following rainfall and congregating around water sources as the dry season progresses. The only other pigeon with a plume in Australia is the Crested Pigeon - the Spinifex Pigeon is smaller at 20-24 cm and a rich red-orange, matching its environment and with black stripes on the upperparts. There are three subspecies: the easternmost,plumifera, having the most white underneath, leucogaster being mottled white and red and ferruginea being entirely red-orange underneath and occurring in the Pilbara region of WA.

Spinifex Pigeon

Spinifex Pigeon

1-2: Georgetown, Qld, 11/03/2012.