Cogger's Frog
Mixophyes coggeri

Cogger's Frog is a large frog (6.5-10.5 cm) recently split from the Northern Barred Frog and occurs in north-eastern Queensland. They occur in rainforested areas near flowing water. The barring on the tibia and the pattern on the back allows them to be distinguished from the similar Northern Barred and Carbine Frogs. It is named for Harold Cogger, a well-known Australian herpetologist and writer of the first Australian field guide to frogs.

Cogger's Frog

Cogger's Frog

Cogger's Frog

1-2: Kuranda, Qld, 09/03/2012.
3: Mt Lewis, Julatten, Qld, 11/03/2012.