White-lipped Tree Frog
Litoria infrafrenata

This is a large Littoria frog at 6.2 - 10.2 cm for males and 7.3 - 14.0 cm for females. They are found along the coast of northern Queensland from Townsville right round into the the Gulf of Carpentaria. As the name suggests, they have a prominent white bottom lip and pale underparts with green on the upperparts, which can change to brown depending on background colour. They can be found in urban settings as well as rainforest and are sometimes kept as pets abroad.

White-lipped Tree Frog

White-lipped Tree Frog

1: Kingfisher Park, Julatten, Qld, 11/03/2012.
2: Black Mountain Road, Kuranda, Qld, 09/03/2012.