Red-necked Wallaby
Macropus rufogriseus

The Red-necked Wallaby is common throughout Eastern Australia with a different subspecies in Tasmania (known as Bennet's Wallaby) and can be found in both bushland and pastures - the clearing of land for pasture has helped to raise the population of these wallabies. They are medium-sized, growing up to 90 cm in length (not including the tail) and are differentiated from other wallabies by the red neck patch and pale cheeks. They are generally solitary animals, but can form groups if there is plenty of grazing and water available.

Red-necked Wallaby

Red-necked Wallaby

Red-necked Wallaby

1-2: Gloucester Tops, NSW 18/09/2010.
3: Gloucester Tops, NSW, 19/09/2010